
I had another post planned but it will just get saved in the drafts. I had an idea for an additional post but that will get filed in my brain with all the other ideas I have.

When I looked at the calendar today, I see the date.  It’s clear. Today would be the birthday of one of my best childhood friends. Today he was supposed to celebrate another year of life. He’d probably be married by now with some kids and knowing him, I suspect he’d still live in the general NYC area but maybe in Westchester or Long Island. 

His life was cut short as a teenager. As a teenager, you’re supposed to be invincible (at least you think you are). you know? And krypton.ite doesn’t even exist. But there were those that you just knew weren’t going to make it. They were living life the wrong way. Caught up in “the game”. Doing the wrong things. You just knew their time would come and when  you heard about it, you were shocked but not surprised.

But then there are those who get taken from you suddenly. Who don’t deserve it. Who have so much living to do but for some reason God called their number. Now you’re shocked. Surprised. And you hurt like you’ve never hurt before. For a long time.  Until you finally accept that they are better where they are now and they are still with you in some shape or form.

We all get caught up in life’s day to day. Gotta do this, that and third. Pick up the kids, come home, cook dinner, etc. We all complain that the car in front of us is moving too slow or the computer is taking too long or where’s your food? You ordered it 10 minutes ago.

We all complain about what we don’t have instead of being thankful for what we do have. 

Is your glass half empty or half full?

Maybe that car in front of you is driving slow because HE wants you to slow down for a second. Maybe you’re sick because HE wants you to take a break for a minute. Maybe you’re single because HE feels that you haven’t completely exhaled just yet.

You can’t fake it.

When’s the last time you just listened? Just watched and stared? Heard yourself breathe?

I was up early this morning. Earlier than everyone else. I cracked the windows to get some of the fall chill air.  Usually I go in my daughter’s room and flick on the lights and commence the routine (nudge body, shake body, bang on headboard, poke) to wake her up – she sleeps like a rock. But today, I just stared. So peaceful. So beautiful (she get it from her daddy of course).  Those are moments I savor. 

You ever hear kids laughing or playing outside and making a rack of noise and laughing? Their laughs are funny and they laugh because something IS funny. Not because their boss just told a joke and they better laugh or else they won’t get a promotion. They live to live.  

Pull back the curtain. If you think about it, life’s really not that bad.

Inhale. Exhale. Breathe.

R.I.P  Gee.

~ by alwaysfunkyfresh on October 8, 2008.

10 Responses to “Breathe”

  1. I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. I’ve lost friends of mine throughout the years by natural causes, car accidents, murders, etc. I often think about them and what their lives might have been like otherwise. They missed out on so much life. I guess it reminds us that life is too short no matter how old we live to be. We need to live it the fullest. We also need to be conscious of our decisions. They have consequences. They can often get us in serious trouble, sometimes even fatal.

  2. Fresh, I’m sorry to hear about your friend. But sometimes I think HE takes those people away from us suddenly to remind us just how short our time here really is and to remind us to live completely–not just live for work or for the game or whatever have you. Very nice post.

  3. I’m with you Fresh.. my best friend was taken on 10/23… I also lost a friend to BC during this month so trust I feel you.. I’ve been on my ass the last 5 days.. why cause I didn’t STOP AND BREATHE.. so HE sat my ass down in a way I couldn’t get up.. RIP to ya boy Gee

  4. I NEEDED this TODAY. Thank you.

  5. Great post. I actually sighed…inhaled/exhaled after reading.

  6. “Maybe that car in front of you is driving slow because HE wants you to slow down for a second.”

    I think about that all that time.

    My condolences…

  7. Great post. Rest in Peace to your friend. And yes, every now and then you just have to be still and really take it all in. Life is GOOD.

  8. I’m victim to it. Sometimes I’m moving so damn fast I forget what its really about.

    Thank you all for the condolences but Gee’s good. He’s in real good hands. Better than Al.l-S.tate.

  9. I am so sorry that you have to recognize a loss instead or celebrate a birthday.

    I have to say this is one of the most beautifully written pieces I’ve read in a long time. Wow

  10. “Maybe you’re single because HE feels that you haven’t completely exhaled just yet.”…I’m going to take this one personally 😉

    Just this wk, a 12 yr old boy was shot here in the STL area when stray bullets came through the windows of his house and entered his body. He was doing his homework.

    What child deserves to die? And who would ever think that sitting in your kitchen and doing your homework could be hazardous to your health? It’s sick and sad and in a desperate attempt to understand I actually fix my mouth to curse the Lord. Then, before the words hit my tongue, I remember who I am and who He is. And I pray for that boy’s family. And I hug my own Amiri tighter and shower him w/kisses (while he squirms in my lap trying to get away). What are we doing and when are we going to do better?

    ’till next time…

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